FINASDDEE Credit Line Cameroon S.A. is a licensed microfinance banking institution in Cameroon in the Central African Sub-Region under License Number 00000539/MINFI of the 02nd of August 2021 following approval by the Central African Banking Commission (COBAC) of the 23rd of March 2021 by COBAC Decision No D-2021/126. It provides innovative digital, personal, and business microfinance banking solutions and services.
FINASDDEE Payment Services LTD, trading as FINASDDEE Money Transfer, is a payment institution in the United Kingdom specializing in the remittance of funds by individuals in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world to their bank accounts or the bank accounts of others in banks or microfinance banks in specific Sub Saharan African countries, including cash pickups from such institutions.
FINASDDEE Credit Line UK LTD, trading as FINASDDEE Loans, is a consumer credit firm specialising in unsecured personal loans for various purposes, including home improvement, car purchase, holiday, wedding, debt consolidation and others, of between £500 and £6000 to adults aged 18 and over in the United Kingdom on a Representative APR of 89.90%, over 1-3 years, subject to eligibility, affordability, and borrowing history.
FINASDDEE Property UK LTD focuses on buying rental accommodations in leading cities and regions for rental accommodations in the United Kingdom and constituting a portfolio of houses over time.
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