FINASDDEE is incorporated in Germany as a corporate finance company - FINASDDEE UG ( Company number HRB 82223), with registered headquarters in Cologne, Germany, providing bespoke corporate finance services:
Opened a registered branch of FINASDDEE UG Germany in Manchester, England, in the United Kingdom under company registration number FC032415, focusing on the same strategic business pillars as the mother company in Germany.
Investment in a Microfinance bank in Sub-Saharan Africa - FINASDDEE Credit Line Cameroon S.A.
Incorporation of FINASDDEE Capital Holding LTD to serve as a Parent Company to FINASDDEE UK LD (now FINASDDEE Payment Services LTD), FINASDDEE Credit Line Cameroon S.A., FINASDDEE Credit Line UK LTD and FINASDDEE Property UK LTD with a critical mission of investing in five (05) business segments including:
Change of the name of FINASDDEE UK LTD in the United Kingdom to FINASDDEE Payment Services LTD, specialising in the remittance of funds by individuals in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world to their bank accounts or the bank accounts of others in banks or microfinance banks in specific Sub Saharan African countries, including cash pickups from such institutions.
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